PodTea For Cancer Post-LiveTalk
Wicked SkypeCast everyone!
Alex, Eugene, Henry, Jordan, Michael, Liam, Sam, and the random guy from Portugal. We had some silent times, some IM times, and some CrAZy times. All in the quest for curing cancer!
You can still donate until the end of May!
There won't be any LiveTalk recording for this as it went for just over 2-hours and 10-minutes! LiveTalk #3 will be edited very soon and be online in the next few weeks.
Thanks everyone! Peace out!
Edit (26 May 2006): Sorry Eugene! I added your name :)
Alex, Eugene, Henry, Jordan, Michael, Liam, Sam, and the random guy from Portugal. We had some silent times, some IM times, and some CrAZy times. All in the quest for curing cancer!
You can still donate until the end of May!
There won't be any LiveTalk recording for this as it went for just over 2-hours and 10-minutes! LiveTalk #3 will be edited very soon and be online in the next few weeks.
Thanks everyone! Peace out!
Edit (26 May 2006): Sorry Eugene! I added your name :)